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Animal Kingdom

Animals have the same physical, energetic and emotional lives as us and appear to have a better understanding of this natural energy.  They are much more intuitive and can detect healing energies more easily than we can.  Reiki offers a calming, healing and respectful experience to all animals, not just our pets.

Animal Reiki is a different process than for humans.  When we offer Reiki to animals, we offer a calm space and a choice for the animal to join into this space.

Being an advocate of the 'Let Animals Lead ® ' method of animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad, this method is hands off unless the animal initiates touch, it is always the animals choice.


Reiki is practiced with our animals as opposed to a therapy done to them. 

Any animal whether domestic, farm or wild can receive the benefit of Reiki at any time and it can aid in lots of situations.  Like with humans, it can restore a balanced flow of energy.

Reiki doesn't need to be given in person and there will be times when distance is preferred as it will cause less stress to the animal, particularly if they are especially sick or anxious.  Reiki is better given in the animal's natural environment.

The session will last as long as the animal sees fit.  This could be 30 minutes, shorter or longer.  They might not want the treatment at all - the animal always takes the lead.

Reiki is very beneficial for pre and post surgery.  It can help to speed up healing and also aid anxiety. Reiki promotes comfort, relaxation and general wellbeing for your animal or pet.​

Sleeping Cat
Green Parrot
Image by Pieter van Noorden

End of Life Care/Euthanasia
Reiki is beneficial in end of life care.  The Reiki will aid the animal both physically and emotionally and can also provide healing for the whole family.

Brown Dog

PLEASE NOTE:  You should gain the advice or consent from your Veterinary Practitioner prior to a Reiki Treatment for your animal and also for any undiagnosed known or suspected conditions.

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