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My story

We lost Oscar and Archie 5 years ago after owning them for 17 years.  It hurt, it was hard.  My children had only ever known Oscar and Archie in their lives.  As a family, we had to get used to a new way of life.  


Then in March 2021, we decided on having another dog and we adopted Sonny Bear from a rescue centre, he was 10.  It was a set of circumstances that felt like fate.  We applied for another dog with the centre but this was unsuccessful.  However, they were looking to rehome Beary (as he was affectionally known) who had not long been adopted but wasn't settling.  We saw his picture and were smitten.  On the day we went to meet him, he just jumped straight into the car!  It was definitely meant to be.

We only had him 9 months when we lost him.  We were only just really becoming a family.  I was devastated and it really, really hurt.  I really struggled with his loss and it was this that made me look at things in a more spiritual way.  This was the turning point which led me to Reiki and wanting to help others with their healing.  This journey for me is because of and dedicated to him💕 

Our pets are part of our family and the grief we feel when they pass, shouldn't be underestimated.  Your grief is individual to you and don't let anyone tell you how you should be feeling.

The traditional 5 stages of grief, talks about experiencing the following stages:

  • Denial

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance


These are not instructions of how you should be feeling but simply a guide on what you might experiencing and that it's natural to do so.

It is important to remember that we don't experience the 5 stages in a set sequence but that any stage or a combination can be felt at any one time.  We may not experience all 5, these are a guide.

My role is not to 'fix' you but together, we can:-

  • explore why you feel stuck

  • look at some tools to help you heal

  • set goals to help you move forward

  • empower you to heal yourself

Purchase 3 or more sessions and receive a free Reiki healing 💕 

Explore together, the core of the issue


Empower you to self heal

The bond between us and our pets is strong.  When they leave us, it hurts and we can feel guilt and lots of emotions.


People underestimate the grief. 

We can work together to help you find a new sense of self whilst not forgetting your loss.

"Someone asked me what the most difficult thing about having a pet was - I replied, the goodbye"

(author unknown)

Please note that pet bereavement healing sessions are not to be confused with forms of talking therapy and if you are unsure, you should seek the advice of a medical practitioner.

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